All The Queen's Women Page 2
This made Lilly wonder. “The queen sent you to us?”
“After you left, I stayed in the same rooms. The queen wanted me to continue my infiltration of The Basque.”
Lilly swallowed the sob that threatened to break free. However, she remained silent.
“While working on that group, I came across a man. He had a scar on his face, and a German accent. I recorded one meeting, the Basque called him Herr Statz, and that they were accepting his bribes. But the exact details I never discovered because my cover had been blown, and the queen ordered me home.”
As they walked down the Carrer d’Entencia, the Casa Viscens grew closer.
“Our old love nest,” Isadora said softly.
Lilly smiled. Three years of happiness in those rooms at the casa. Sunny days that never seemed like they would end, and nights passionately spent in Isadora’s arms.
“Thirsty?” Isadora pulled her toward a small table outside a restaurant. “Two glasses of wine. That walk wore me out!”
The sun overhead and the music floating down the road worked their magical spell on Lilly. They sat at the bistro for hours, drinking wine, remembering the old days, laughing and smiling.
“Lady C wanted me to get hold of the old contacts.” Lilly stood up at one point, feeling a little buzz from the watered-down wine.
“One more drink! To us, and the old days!” Isadora pulled her back into her seat.
“All right, one more. Lilly poured a wine and a little water into her glass. To us!”
“To us!” Isadora cheered. “May we never go our separate ways again!”
Before Lilly took a sip, Isadora pointed excitedly. “Look!”
A second band was setting up across the street. The music captivated her.
“Oh Lilly, just a few more minutes, I’ve missed the street music here.”
“A few more minutes,” Lilly agreed, not wanting to leave either. She sipped her wine. However, her head grew cloudy.
“I don’t feel right,” she slurred her words, and felt panic rise as she stumbled.
“Whoops, too much wine,” Isadora laughed, getting up to steady Lilly. “Let’s get you home.”
With Isadora’s arms about her, they staggered back to their old flat, giggling and kissing just like old times.
“Oh! Wow.” Lilly walked in the door, and nothing had changed. The large bed filled the open floor space.
“Mama Esposita kept it for me when I left for England.” Isadora walked over to the tiny kitchenette, poured Lilly a drink of water.
Lilly cleared her throat, and drank. She tried to shake the cottony feeling in her brain but it would not pass. Isadora took the glass and put it on the bedside table. Then her red lips made contact with Lilly’s. With a few quick moves, Isadora had her undressed, and then pushed Lilly onto the bed, still wearing thigh high-stockings and heels.
Isadora kissed her hard, sucking the air out of her, then leaned back and spread Lilly’s stockinged legs wide, so she could see the swollen lips of Lilly’s eager sex.
While Isadora stroked the wet folds, Lilly’s hips lifted to greet her fingers. Lilly swore in Welsh and Spanish, making Isadora laugh.
“Don’t you enjoy when I touch you?”
“I enjoy it too much, you jezebel. Come here so I can touch you.”
“Nu-huh, I want to want you come. Come for me, Lilly.”
Lilly lost herself to the exquisite pleasure of Isadora’s fingers sliding in and out of her increasingly wet folds. She gasped as a thumb rolled over her sensitive numb, nudging her closer to that final moment of bliss.
She felt ready to explode. However Isadora pulled back, only to lower her head and let her tongue continue where her fingers left off.
Sinking her fingers into the long locks, Lilly tensed at the feel of Isadora’s wet tongue laving over hot sensitive skin, she cried out as an orgasm shuddered through her body.
Isadora gave Lilly’s sex a kiss before moving on the bed to cuddle. However, Lilly stopped her by moving on top of Isadora.
“Did you think I would not return the favor?” Lilly kissed her deeply, tasting herself on Isadora’s tongue.
Isadora shrugged underneath her. “Don’t know. I just wanted to taste you again.” Pulling Lilly closer she whispered, “I never want to lose you again.”
Lilly groaned as she nuzzled Isadora’s neck. “Don’t start that. Enjoy what we have, Isadora.”
Lilly kissed Isa’s shoulders then her breasts, savoring the taste rosebud nipples. She touched Isadora’s mound, and was rewarded with a moan.
“Wait, Lilly.” Isadora shifted so she once more faced Lilly’s sex.
The savored each other’s hidden parts. Tongues delving deeply between hot folds of silken flesh. Slipping fingers inside the sex while tongues teased the swollen clits, Isadora gave out first, her body stiffened as her hand clenched to Lilly’s round behind.
Not far behind, Lilly gasped as a second orgasm tore through her.
She heard Isadora whisper. “My Lilly, forever.”
The next morning Lilly awoke confused, her head thumping as she crawled out of the bed. In the bathroom mirror, her reflection stared back at her.
“I’ve lost my tolerance to Spanish wine.” Her reflection nodded in agreement.
“What’s that, love?” Isadora sang as she joined Lilly in the bathroom, planting a hot kiss on Lilly’s lips.
“I said the wine didn’t agree with me. If I didn’t know better, I would say I was drugged.”
“Drugged?” Isadora giggled and one reddish eyebrow rose. “Why would anyone drug you?”
“The man with the scar might have spies and know why we are here.”
“Lilly, enough nonsense. Come back to bed.” Isadora nodded towards the warm bed.
Lilly laughed and let herself be pulled out of the bathroom.
“Mmm, coffee.” Lilly stopped as the smell of the brew from downstairs reached her senses. “I’m going to pop down to see Mama Esposito. I’ve missed her coffee.”
“What about bed?” Isadora pouted.
“Later, love.” Lilly kissed her. “The smell of that coffee alone is giving me a caffeine buzz. C’mon, the sooner we get answers the sooner we can be back on The Gypsy.”
“Lilly, Mija!” Mama Esposita cried as Lilly walked into the colorful kitchen. “Sit down, I had a feeling someone would visit me this morning, so I made a big breakfast!”
Lilly inhaled the delicious scents filling the small space. Taking a seat she looked around the room, it was the same with Spanish pottery, colorful tiles, plants growing from tall cabinets.
“Here’s a coffee, just the way you like it, now.” Mama sat opposite her at the small square table, plump elbows resting on the work-worn table. “Tell me, where have you been?”
Lilly never had much of an appetite, except when it came to Mama’s cooking. Café con leche, super strong coffee, bollos, sweet rolls with jam and mild cheese, as well as omelets with chorizo.
She stopped shoving of food into her mouth long enough to say, “New mission.”
“And Isa? Where is she?”
“Upstairs, asleep.” Lilly swallowed, then grinned.
Mama clapped her hands and laughed. “My girls are back!”
Lilly looked out the window nervously. Even in Spain she did not want people to know her secret. As far as Mama and the others knew, she and Isadora were best friends and roommates.
“I am so glad you found each other again. She was so sad after you left.”
Lilly snorted as anger flared. “She betrayed me, Mama.”
“No Mija.” Mama shook her head, black curls lace with gray bounced. “Isa would never do that. She only did as the queen ordered. We all have our orders. She did what she had to.”
Lilly looked at Mama. Did she know?
“But enough about that. Tell me why you are here. Are you back for good?”
Lilly went back to stuffing her face full of bolla. “I wish I could stay. But I work on The Gy
psy now. Have you ever heard of Herr Statz?”
“No, who is he?” Mama asked.
Lilly filled her in on the man with the scar, the double agent.
“Mama hasn’t heard anything about Herr Statz, have you Mama?” Isadora said from behind Lilly.
Lilly sensed conflict between the two women. Nothing definite, but Mama’s eyebrows rose slightly as pinkness tinged her cheeks. “No Isa, my sweet, I never heard of the man. Breakfast?”
“Just coffee, Mama.” The moment had passed; Isadora hugged the older woman.
“Great, make that coffee to go, Mama, we need to talk to the other agents in the area.” Lilly got up and drank the dregs of her coffee cup.
Isa dragged along with Lilly back onto the empty street. She did not look as relaxed as the night before. Lilly took her hand and swung it as they walked.
“You don’t seem interested in finding answers.”
Isa shrugged. “I no longer enjoy it. The spying, working for the queen. I want to settle down, in a cottage, with you at my side, and lots of pets.”
“You used to think we were doing noble work for the queen.” Lilly felt surprised at the change in Isadora. “She is, after all, the defender and champion of freedom.”
“What about the Zanzibar war? What right did the queen have ordering the destruction of the sultan so very far from her own small island?”
Before Lilly could pose an argument, they reached the door of Diego Montoya, another friend, another agent of the queen. They found his mother standing on the steps in front of her house.
“Diego disappeared months ago,” She said, eyes wide with fear, hands wringing a worn dishcloth.
“What do you mean?” Lilly asked.
“He left one night and never came back. No message, nothing. And he wasn’t the only one.” His mother listed more of Lilly’s connections.
After a trip to the dance hall, Lilly was disturbed to find Effie and Gina had disappeared as well.
“Could it be this Herr Statz you mentioned?”
“Why would he want Diego?” Isadora asked.
“I don’t know but it can’t be a coincidence that so many agents have disappeared.”
Isa shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t see why. Diego always talked about visiting Britan. Perhaps he just left.”
“I don’t think so, and I will not rest until I find Diego and the others.” Lilly vowed.
A ticking sound filled the cabin as long narrow strip of paper spit out of the brass orb on Constance’s desk.
“The queen is ordering us to Germany. An agent with information might know the whereabouts of your kidnapped friends, and might also lead to the man with the scar.”
Chapter Three
Southern France
“Where to, Lady C?” Cap asked
“Germany. Here are the coordinates.”
The Gypsy lifted off from Spanish soil. Lilly looked down with mixed feelings. Sadness at leaving the place she had been happiest once again, as well as deeply concerned for her friends who had gone missing.
They followed the coast north, and then the shimmering blue of the Mediterranean moved away as they entered into French territory.
When an arm slid around her waist, she jumped, ready to tell Isadora no displays in public. Only to find Penny standing next to her.
“Penny for your thoughts,” Penny giggled.
Lilly smiled at her friend. “I doubt my thoughts would be decent enough to share.”
“Oh?” Penny gave her a sly glance. “All the more reason to tell me.”
Lilly raised an eyebrow, was Penny flirting with her?
“What’s up, girlie girls?” Sera pounced on them before Lilly could react.
“Morning Sera, how goes the conquest?” Lilly nodded towards Cap.
Sera grinned.
“I’ll get Cap and Navi too soon, I hope. But not as soon as Lord Barkley will have Gertie, methinks,” Sera said as Gertrude joined them, making the pale girl blush a pale pink from her cheeks all the way down her neck.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
Before Gertrude could go ice queen on them, Sera swatted the girl’s arm. “It means I’m happy for you.”
“Oh.” The icy demeanor melted, and was replaced with another blush of pleasure.
Before any of the girls could rib each other any further, there was a sound. Like a crack of thunder. Something smashed against the aft of the ship, and Lilly tumbled to the deck.
“Penny?” she reached for the girl still lying on the floor.
“I’m fine. What the hell was that?”
“Lilly!” Isadora appeared in the doorway to the cabins bellow. “You’re safe. Thank God!”
Lord Barkley came on deck, demanding questions from the Cap. “What happened?”
Cap pointed out into the blue. “Sky pirates!”
The crew moved into action. Cap, Petyr, and Albert ran to the cannons, activating them, as Navi, pulled down a periscope, locking the ship in the distance.
Constance rushed to the ledge of the ship. “Are you sure it’s pirates? After all, we usually don’t see them this far out.”
“The queen has Intel that more and more American pirates are making their way across the Atlantic. New technology allowing them more time in the air,” Lord Colin said.
“Whether they are pirates or not, they are showing the skull and crossbones.” Navi nodded toward the ship that was approaching fast. On the top most mast, the flag waved its intention.
“Who else is going to attack us up here?” Cap shouted in answer. “Get the girls below, and we’ll make mincemeat of the loobies!”
“Not so fast, handsome.” Sera was on her feet, a cut across her cheek was bloody. “Didn’t we already prove we can hold our own?”
Cap grinned at her. “You’re sexy when you’re angry. But you know pirates. Even though we have nothing of value, they will sell us into slavery and burn The Gypsy for fun.”
“All the more reason to fight.” Wiping the blood away, she returned the grin. “C’mon girls!”
Cap walked over to Navi, talking low enough that no one could hear. He turned grim faced to Constance. “We can’t outrun them. We have to fight.”
The dancers helped Petyr with the red painted cannons, loading large black round balls and getting the primer ready as Navi continued to stare into his periscope, marking down notations and turning dials on a brass knobbed consol that moved all the cannons to face the oncoming ship.
Lilly could now see the ship, with metal sides and a flag with a skull with a sword though it.
“We mean you no harm. Go about you business and we will go about ours.” Lilly jumped at the sound of Constance’s voice booming through a sound amplifier.
The crew of the pirate ship, had on navy blue uniforms with orange caps. They moved about the ship as if they did not hear Constance.
The pirate ship sent another explosion their way.
“Clear!” Navi shouted.
The crew backed away from the cannons as the primers activated remotely, the explosion made Lilly go deaf as the chaos increased. Six cannons exploded with smoke. The balls arced, and then landed on the other ship. One ball went through rigging, another smashed through the metal hull, and the rest missed their mark, dropping to the green land below.
She saw the orangey flash of the pirate’s cannons exploding, and then someone yanked on her arm. She turned to see Isadora shouting at her. Pushing her down to the ground.
The impact came. The wood deck splintered as the mast crashed to the deck.
The shouts of the crew grew louder as the ringing in her ears lessened.
“Abandon ship!” Constance waved everyone over to a crate, pulling out jumpsuits. “The Gypsy can’t sustain this barrage. We’ll take our chances on land.”
The crew ran to put on the jumpsuits, Lilly joined them, but Isa’s hand gripped her arm.
“Wait!” she shouted, making everyon
e turn.
Isadora’s face was pale and tense. “It will be okay Isadora. C’mon.”
“No, wait. Wouldn’t it be better to just surrender? After all, they can shoot us out of the sky, and, I’m afraid of heights.”
Lilly raised an eyebrow. Isadora had never mentioned a fear of heights before. However, she was turning green.
“Look honey, now is not the time to worry about heights. The ship will fall faster than you will if we don’t get off,” Sera sniped.
“I have to agree with Sera, Isadora. We cannot submit to pirates.”
“But maybe they aren’t as bad as you think.” Isadora tried again, but Constance shook her head.
“We are the queen’s women. We cannot be taken. Better to jump and face our chances on land. Suit up.” She tossed a bundle to Isadora.
Isa stared at the suit.
“Don’t worry. I’ll stay next to you,” Lilly whispered in her ear as she helped Isadora put on the suit with a parachute jammed into the back pouch. “We’ll go down together.”
Isa spun and grabbed Lilly’s arms, for a moment Lilly thought Isadora was about to kiss her, but then Isadora pulled back.
“Thanks.” She brushed a stray hair out of Lilly’s face.
They walked to ledge of the ship, the crew lined up, ready to jump.
“We meet below, come together, and head back to England,” Constance said, and each member nodded in agreement.
Lilly looked down the line. Sera flanked by Cap and Navi. Lord Barkley held Gertie’s hand. Lilly felt a lump in her throat. She would never be able to show affection for Isadora in public like the other girls. She knew from experience that who she was and whom she loved would never be acceptable.
“Jump!” Constance shouted.
Lilly bent her legs, ready to take the plunge when a new sound––a trumpet blasted––and someone shouted. “Ho!”
“Stop, everyone, stop!” Constance ordered.
Lilly turned to see a new ship. A black ship with black sails. Her first thought was more pirates. However, one look at Constance’s uplifted face made her scrutinize the ship again.